Friday, November 14, 2008

Follow God's Boundaries

If you want to have a great life, you must stay within God's boundaries. Many people want freedom in their lives - the freedom to do anything. The freedom to go against nature, the freedom to hurt themselves and hurt others, the freedom to define truth as they see fit. But to have a great life, we must submit ourselves to a Higher Authority, our Creator and King, God.

People who want "total freedom," becomed enslaved to their own flesh. Total freedom produces narcissism and hedonism. We become focused on ourselves and our pleasures, rather than on serving others, which gives lasting fulfillment. When we live within God's laws, we gain true happiness as we know the security and boundaries His commandments and principles bring into our lives. Take a look at Paul's teaching in Romans 1:18 - 32 to see this principle of people turning from God and following after their own lusts.

This morning I read from Proverbs 29:18 which states, "Where there is no vision the people are unrestrained, but happy is he who keeps the law." "Vision" in the text does not refer to some kind of "dream for the future," but refers to revelation given to us by God. Today we know this "vision" as the Bible. The parallel second phrase, "happy is he who keeps the law" defines the term for us (along with other usages in the Old Testament). The more we read the Scriptures, and seek to live according to God's revealed commandments and principles, the happier we will be in life. If we seek to be "unrestrained," or have total freedom, we will follow the way of destruction, bitterness, and selfishness.

God does not give us His law to limit us, but to protect us. He is not trying to rob us of joy, but help us know true fulfillment and meaning in life through a relationship with Him and serving others. If you want to live a great life, enjoy the freedom of staying within God's boundaries for living.

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